Technology Features

The Green List
The Green List

The sustainability specialists on a mission to help corporates reduce the environmental impact of business travel... KEEP READING

Smart trips
Smart trips

The hype around AI reached a crescendo in 2023 but don’t expect to see the results of TMCs’ investment just yet... KEEP READING

The Winners
The Winners

The successes and achievements of companies, teams and individuals recognised across 21 categories... KEEP READING

Case study: EY
Case study: EY

EY’s Sustainable Travel Approval Tool, built in partnership with IBM, is a key component of its sustainability drive... KEEP READING

Power tools
Power tools

Tech & tools: Technology is central to all sustainable travel programmes, with new tools and functionality frequently arriving on the market... KEEP READING

Change of pace
Change of pace

Distribution: Is NDC causing unwanted turbulence or driving positive change? A decade since its launch, it is certainly now gaining momentum... KEEP READING

Setting the scene
Setting the scene

BACKGROUND: To appreciate today’s intricate distribution landscape it’s helpful to understand its circuitous backstory... KEEP READING

Central reservations
Central reservations

THE GDSs: The distribution landscape’s backbone for decades, legacy global distribution systems are now grappling with keeping content together... KEEP READING

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