The Power List – profiling the continent's most influential travel programmes

First published: 28 March 2024

BTN Europe’s Power List profiles the travel programmes of some of the continent’s biggest travel spenders. But spend alone doesn’t secure a place on the Power List, for companies’ sustainability activities, an appetite for innovation and their advocacy and engagement efforts are all considered too. The Power List is an authoritative rundown of Europe’s most influential travel programmes, showcasing best practice and driving positive change. Stay tuned for monthly additions to BTN Europe's Power List

BTN Europe's Power List - Introduction
BTN Europe's Power List - Introduction

What does the perfect travel programme look like? Plenty of buyers will share their views on their personal dream scenario, but very few will claim to have achieved some kind of travel management utopia... KEEP READING


Industry: Professional services • Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland • Global revenue: €59 billion (FY23) • European T&E spend 2023: €316 million, of which €65 million was spent on air travel... KEEP READING


Industry: Professional services • Headquarters: London • Global revenue: €45.62 billion (FY23) • European T&E spend: €250 million, around €50 million of which was spent on air travel (2022)... KEEP READING


Industry: Technology • Headquarters: Mountain View, California • Global revenue: €283 billion (FY23) • European T&E spend 2023: €160 million, of which around half was spent on air travel... KEEP READING


Industry: Pharmaceutical • Headquarters: New York • Global revenue: €54.1 billion (FY23) • European T&E spend 2023: €78 million, of which around €26 million was spent on air travel... KEEP READING


Industry: Oil and gas • Headquarters: London • Global revenue: €298 billion (FY23) • European T&E spend 2023: €240 million to €280 million (BTN Europe estimate)... KEEP READING